Wednesday, 31 August 2011

the present

Image via Everything Fabulous

"Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
-Ida Scott Taylor-

guerilla gardening

Photos by Eveline Kusters
Taken at Lowlands 2011
Visit Guerilla Gardening here
Or here via Premsela

Such a wonderful method of helping the community.
(Love the sunflowers on the website)

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

perfect combination

Photo from own collection
Scarf from Hermes

"We were always intoxicated with color, with words that speak of color, and with the sun that makes colors live"
-Andre Derain-

going for delicious

Images 1 and 3 by Eveline Kusters taken in Maastricht

Because something delicious is all you need some times. 
Have a sweet day!


Monday, 29 August 2011

hello monday

Image via Tumblr.
The painting on the wall is so lovely. And the phone! 
So much more chic than the BB I carry around. 

"Anything is possible. Whatever your dream is, make it happen. Have courage. Start today. You will be amazed what life will give you in return for a little bit of courage.
Courage is a choice.
Be certain of one thing: The measure of your life will be the measure of your courage."
-Matthew Kelly-

Have a lovely week.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

lazy days

Image via Everything Fabulous

Have a fabulous day. 


Friday, 26 August 2011

interior inspiration

happy friday

Photos from own collection
Hoogstraat, Otrabanda

You cannot help but smile when you drive into the Hoogstraat. Though there is still some construction going on, the colours of the buildings will bring out happiness in anyone. So this morning, as I stood infront of the entrance, I took a few pictures to share with you. ( These were taken with my phone.... as you might notice my my photography skills are from far great but even less so with a phone. I hope you like them though). 

Have a wonderful weekend. 
Smile loads. 


Thursday, 25 August 2011

chic orange

Images via various sources.

More Orange!!
Don't you just love the bag? :)

bright orange

Image via Dustjacket Attic
 Photographed by Norman Jean Roy

I love the colour of this dress.
Have a bright day.


"I was irrevocably betrothed to laughter, the sound of which has always seemed to me to be the most civilized music in the world"
-Peter Ustinov-(1921 - 2004)

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

simply chic

Images via various sources

A few delightful things.
Have a simply chic day.


Tuesday, 23 August 2011

colour inspiration

Add a bit of colour to your life :)


the 500

The Fiat 500
A bit of chic, with loads of 'cool' and a touch of 'Italy'

Monday, 22 August 2011

water lilies

Image from own collection
Originally from Marco's Fish-Farm in Curacao

"The slender water-lily
Peeps dreamingly out of the lake"
- Heinrich Heine-

hello monday

Image via Simply Luxurious Life

“Serendipity. Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you've found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for.”
-Lawrence Block-

west punt

Images from own collection 
West Punt, Curacao 

This weekend was happily spent at West Punt. Just relaxing with the sound of the waves always in the background, eating delicious food, swimming in the gorgeous crystal blue waters and taking the Saint out for a ride along the coast. Curacao is a relatively small island, yet the one hour drive still seems like an eternity as it brings you to a world of peacefulness. Early in the morning as the sun is slowly coming up, the fisherman make their way for their daily catch, the vast blue ocean, in all the possible shades, lies before them. It is a lazy Sunday morning, quiet, with only the sounds of the birds in the background. We "relax" (also the name of the house where we are staying....quite appropriate), on the gazebo while having breakfast. It is nice to notice that time somehow stands still on such days.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend as well.


Friday, 19 August 2011

happy friday

Images via various sources

Have a wonderful weekend.
May it be filled with laughter.

castello del nero

Florence Italy

Most people who have met me know that I have the unique and uncanny ability to pre-plan (even fantasy wise) all sorts of travel ideas which might possibly inspire me any given day. I think that this year alone I might have put together at least 15 trips or so (of course I won't be going on all of them....probably just a few.....if I plan well of course), but the mere act of indulging myself the planning of such adventures is already a mini-vacation. And so, yesterday morning I woke up with the ever so wonderful feeling that a trip to Italy would be quite nice this time of year. Within a matter of minutes I had found a gorgeous place to stay, the Castello del Nero near Florence.
Just picture it, on a scooter heading to Pisa and the Chianti wine region, lounging away on the terrace eating the most delicious pasta known to man, having a perfect espresso before breakfast with the view of the Italian landscape surrounding you and after a long day relaxing in the indulgent spa. (ahhh after reading this I am sure you will be well on your way to planning a trip yourself). Yep....seems like a plan.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

style inspiration

I must admit that I have been wearing the 'oh-so-comfortable' (and chic) ballerina flats almost daily. Giving my fabulous heels a bit of a rest. (Perhaps too much of a rest). Next week! It's back to day-time-heels (ok, at least twice a week or so).

cherish it

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

garden inspiration

Images via various sources

Today my garden is being cleaned up a bit. Just to have it a bit more presentable than usual.
Though one day I do hope to have a wonderful lush garden, were in the mornings I can sit on a swing (as above), have some breakfast (and if I work a bit on my balance I am sure to have coffee there too).
Loads of bright coloured flowers is all I really like.
(It will take a few years....but it will happen)

Have a wonderful day.
Smile loads.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

from germany with love

Photographs by Eveline
Taken in Germany

A bit of travel pleasure from these wonderful photographs taken in Germany.


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