Saturday, 9 October 2010


source of photo unknown

In 1954 the colonial islands of the Dutch Kingdom became the Netherlands Antilles; it is a status we have become accustomed to, a status that has a prestige many other islands simply did not have. Tonight is the last night the Netherlands Antilles, as a country, will exist. Tomorrow when we wake up, in the country of Curacao, we will start a new chapter on this tiny island of ours.

Of course, we will still be part of the Dutch Kingdom, a status I hope we never lose. Not because of any political or economic reason; simply because I find that it is on itself an added value we should not live without or take for granted. Though opinions differ, Curacao would not be the island it is today without the Netherlands, or without its history in the Netherlands Antilles.

Curaçao, as a country will start off with a clean slate (financially speaking), and thus the opportunities lie in the ability of a new country and a new government to promote, encourage, inspire a nation (or small island) to rise to the best of its abilities and to use its resources in a positive and constructive manner, enabling the whole of the population to benefit from this opportunity.

With any new beginning there are always challenges and surprising opportunities; all of which I am sure will be handled accordingly in due course. All we can do is look to the past for lessons learned, look to the future with assured hope and live today as well we can on our little piece of paradise.

“One step must start each journey.”
Author Unknown

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